

The International Communication Association (ICA) is a global academic association dedicated to advancing the study, teaching, and application of communication through scholarly research, collaboration, and dissemination.

Dietrich, F., Ernst, A., Rohr, B., Scharkow, M., & Reinecke, L. (2024, June 20–24). Music was my first love: An experience sampling study of biographic resonance through algorithmically curated music listening [Conference Presentation]. 74th Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.
Ernst, A., & Dietrich, F. (2024, June 20–24). Agency and serendipity as key concepts for algorithmically curated digital media use in everyday life [Conference Presentation]. 74th Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.
Dietrich, F., Ernst, A., Rohr, B., Reinecke, L., & Scharkow, M. (2023, May 25–29). (I can’t get no) satisfaction: Music listeners’ algorithmically curated entertainment experience [Conference Presentation]. 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Dietrich, F., Hennings, S., & Vorderer, P. (2023, May 25–29). Why are we attracted to true crime? The role of epistemic emotions and entertainment experiences [Conference Presentation]. 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Dietrich, F., & Reinecke, L. (2023, May 25–29). What constitutes autonomy in digital communication? A computational scoping review of digital autonomy [Conference Presentation]. 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Ernst, A., Dietrich, F., Rohr, B., & Scharkow, M. (2023, May 25–29). The digital jukebox revisited: Applying mood management theory to algorithmically curated music streaming environments [Conference Presentation]. 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Gilbert, A., Reinecke, L., Meier, A., Baumgartner, S. E., Kühne, R., & Dietrich, F. (2023, May 25–29). Time well-spent or guilty pleasure? The effects of self-control on content selection and entertainment experience on Netflix [Conference Presentation]. 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Dietrich, F., Kugler, T., Hennings, S., Conrad, C., Schneider, F. M., & Vorderer, P. (2022, May 26–30). The role of epistemic emotions and empathy in eudaimonic entertainment experiences and political news processing [Conference Presentation]. 72nd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris, France.
Dietrich, F., & Vorderer, P. (2022, May 26–30). The role of epistemic emotions in the processing of cross-cutting news exposure [Conference Presentation]. 72nd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris, France.
Vorderer, P., & Dietrich, F. (2019, May 24–28). Hedonic, eudaimonic, and beyond: Innovations in entertainment theory [Symposium]. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, D.C., USA.
Halfmann, A., Vorderer, P., Dietrich, F., & Lutz, S. (2018, May 24–28). Who determines your mobile communication? The effects of social pressure on self-control, need satisfaction, well-being, and perceived stress [Conference Presentation]. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Prague, Czech Republic.
Schmitt, J., Winkler, J., Lutz, S., Dietrich, F., & Rieger, D. (2018, May 24–28). Populist voices in extremist online videos: A content analysis of right-wing and Islamic extremist YouTube videos [Conference Presentation]. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Prague, Czech Republic.


The MediaPsych Conference, organized by the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), is a biennial event that focuses on advancing research and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue on the psychological aspects of media use and effects.


Top Paper Award (1st place) at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) together with Rebekka Kreling, Alicia Gilbert, and Leonard Reinecke.

Dietrich, F., Possler, D., & Dale, K. R. (2023, September 6–8). Digital emotion contagion in online environments: An automated content analysis of comments from self-transcendent YouTube videos [Conference Presentation]. 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Luxembourg.
Kreling, R., Dietrich, F., Gilbert, A., & Reinecke, L. (2023, September 6–8). What do people watch under adversity? Testing interactions of semantic affinity and coping style using Netflix data donations [Conference Presentation]. 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Luxembourg.
Dietrich, F., Kugler, T., Hennings, S., Conrad, C., Schneider, F. M., & Vorderer, P. (2021, September 8–10). All just clickbait? The effect of empathy and epistemic emotions in online news on the eudaimonic entertainment experience and political information processing [Conference Presentation]. 12th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Aachen, Germany.


The Rezfo (Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung) Conference, organized by the Division for Media Use and Effects Research of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), serves as a forum to explore media use, processing, integration into everyday life, and effects, aiming to advance research, foster academic exchange, and support international collaboration and emerging scholars in this field.

Ernst, A., Dietrich, F., Rohr, B., Reinecke, L., & Scharkow, M. (2025, January 22–24). Eine Experience Sampling-Studie zur alltäglichen Stimmungsregulierung in algorithmisch kuratierten Musikstreamingumgebungen [An experience sampling study on everyday mood regulation in algorithmically curated music streaming environments] [Conference Presentation]. Annual Conference of the Media Use and Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Bamberg, Germany.
Ernst, A., Dietrich, F., Schnauber-Stockmann, A., Gilbert, A., & Scharkow, M. (2024, January 24–26). Zeitliche Strukturen digitaler Unterhaltungsmediennutzung: Eine explorative Analyse digitaler Verhaltensdaten [Temporal structures of digital entertainment media use: An exploratory analysis of digital trace data] [Conference Presentation]. Annual Conference of the Media Use and Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Fribourg, Switzerland.
Gilbert, A., Reinecke, L., Meier, A., Baumgartner, S. E., Kühne, R., & Dietrich, F. (2023, January 19–21). Too amused to stop? Selbstkontrolle und Unterhaltungserleben bei der Netflix-Nutzung [Too amused to stop? Self-control and entertainment experiences while using Netflix] [Conference Presentation]. Annual Conference of the Media Use and Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Augsburg, Germany.


The main conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) is an annual event that brings together researchers and practitioners in communication studies to present and discuss the latest advancements across diverse areas of the field, fostering academic exchange, collaboration, and the promotion of communication science in research and practice.

Dietrich, F., Possler, D., Lammers, A., & Scheper, J. (2024, March 13–15). Open Source Transformer Modelle: Ein einfaches Werkzeug zur automatisierten Inhaltsanalyse für die (deutschsprachige) Kommunikationswissenschaft [Open Source Transformer Models: A simple tool for automated content analysis for (German-speaking) communication science] [Conference Presentation]. Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Erfurt, Germany.


Rohr, B., Ernst, A., Dietrich, F., & Scharkow, M. (2023, July 17–21). Opportunities and challenges of real-time data linkage designs: A case study using the Spotify API [Conference Presentation]. 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Milan, Italy.
Dietrich, F. (2023, October 5–7). Algorithmically curated media entertainment: Insights and open questions for the field of positive media psychology [Conference Presentation]. Positive Media Psychology Symposium, Orange, California, USA.
Dietrich, F. (2023, December 7). Using large language models in media psychology [Conference Presentation]. Digital Methods Colloquium at the Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, Germany.
Dietrich, F., & Reinecke, L. (2022). Social media affordances and well-being: An integration with HCI-research. In N. Ballou, S. Deterding, A. Tyack, E. D. Mekler, R. A. Calvo, D. Peters, G. Villalobos-Zúñiga, & S. Turkay (Eds.), Self-determination theory in HCI: Shaping a research agenda [Workshop presentation at the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems].